

The ATCANZ is established for the primary purpose of supporting and promoting the interests of the Air Training Corps (ATC) movement in New Zealand and benefiting the community.

ATCANZ with the help of its sponsors funds four major cadet activities each year.  These are the:

- National Aviation Course,
- National Gliding Course,
- International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) programme, and
- Sainsbury Awards.

In addition to these major activities ATCANZ Branches throughout  the country support their associated cadet Squadrons by funding numerous training, development and community activities.

National Aviation Course

The ATC National Aviation Course is held in January at RNZAF Base Woodbourne. 

Each year 53 cadets from Squadrons throughout New Zealand spend two weeks in camp learning about theoritacal and practical aspects of aviation.

There are two separate groups on the course:  Those who will learn to fly light aircraft and possibly undertake their first solo flight and those who will learn navigation theory and practice.

The cost of this activity is funded in part by our sponsors and in part by the participating cadets.

Financial Sponsors of the pilot programme are:
Air New Zealand Ltd                                                New Zealand Assocaition of Women in Aviation
ATC Golden Jubilee Trust                                         Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association
Civil Aviation Authority                                            Royal New Zealand Air Force
New Zealand  Aeronautical Trust                          Royal New Zealand Air Force Association Inc 

Financial Sponsors of the navigation programme are:
Brevet Club (Wellington)
Royal New Zealand Air Force
Airways NZ

Other Sponsors of the programmes (providing free or discounted goods or services)
Airways NZ                                                              Marlborough Aero Club
Aeropath Ltd                                                           Marlborough Airport Ltd
Vertia                                                                        Kiwi Flyer Magazine
RD Petroleum                                                         OZRunways


National Gliding Course

The ATC National Gliding Course is held in Decemberat the Matamata aerodrome. 

Each year 21 cadets from Squadrons throughout New Zealand spend one week in camp learning about theoritacal and practical aspects of aviation.   Cadets on this course will learn to fly gliders and will possibly undertake their first solo flight.

 The cost of this activity is funded in part by our sponsors and in part by the participating cadets.

Sponsors of the National Gliding Course are:
Air New Zealand Ltd
ATC Golden Jubilee Trust
New Zealand  Aeronautical Trust

IACE International Exchange Programme

IACE plans and runs an annual, world-wide exchange for aviation-minded young people each July.  IACE members are drawn from 18 countries. Each year over 500 young people get the opportunity to expand their horizons, experience different cultures and make life-long friendships.

The New Zealand programme consists of an exchange involving eight cadets exchanging  with the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and one other country.

The cost of this activity is funded in part by our sponsor and in part by the participating cadets.

The IACE programme is sponsored by the Chief of the Defence Force

You can find out more about IACE here.

Sainsbury Awards

The Roy and Marie Sainsbury Charitable Trust was established through the Will of the late Roy Nelson Lewis Sainsbury who died 13 October 2014.  Information about the allocation of grants from this fund can be found here.

New Zealand Community Trust 

NZCT provided funding in 2018 and 2019 to enable Nos 30 and 2 Sqn Branchs to purchase stretchers for cadets to use for onsite and offsite activities.  ATCANZ is pleased to acknowledge NZCT as a patron.

NZCT updated their website in July 2021.  You can find the details here.