This page contains current news items and a link to our earlier newsletters.
Just a reminder applications for the 2025 Sainsbury Awards close on 31 March 2025. Information on the Sainsbury Awards can be found here.
Each year Branches must provide financial reports, detailing their accounts for the year, to the Management Committee.
The accounts reporting requirements for the year ending 31 December 2024 have been finalised and can be found here. It is hoped that the revised format will be easier to follow and more user friendly.
Branches are requested to complete the checklist actions and forward the required information to the General Secretary no later than 28 February.
Updated 4 February 2025
In order to comply with the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 all Incorporated Societies in New Zealand are required to update their constitutions and re-register with the Companies Office by May 2026. A sub-committee of the Management Committee has been established to review and prepare a draft rewrite of the constitution.
Update: A copy of the new draft constitution, as endorsed by the Management Committee, has been forwarded to Branches for consultation and comment. Responses are required by the by 31 March 2025.
Updated 10 February 2025
The Commandant NZ Cadet Forces has released a letter of introduction and support that Branches can include with applications seeking grants from community funding providers. The letter can be downloaded here
Google has made its Workspace suite available free for non-profits and ATCANZ has taken advantage of this via our Domain “”. You can find out all about Google Workspace using this link.
Access to our Workspace is via a login to our Domain in the form of “[user]@”. User will be in the form “[Branch No.]chairperson@”, “[Branch No.]secretary@” or “[Branch No.]treasurer@”.
Our Workspace is available to all our Branches. If your Branch would like to make use of this capability contact the General Secretary.
Posted 27 July 2022 1100
What is Techsoup? TechSoup New Zealand is a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation committed to building stronger communities through technology. Since 2007, a growing list of leading tech companies have partnered with TechSoup New Zealand to support the New Zealand charity sector with donated and discounted IT products, online learning and specialised consulting services.
TechSoup New Zealand’s program is free to join and free to access. Our membership of over 30,000 not for profits rely on us to supply them with best-in-market prices on IT hardware, software, and training services. They look to us as a source of authority on IT solutions to increase their social impact.
In November 2018, TechSoup New Zealand joined forces with Infoxchange. With 150 staff across Australia and New Zealand, we are the region’s leading not-for-profit dedicated to using technology to improve the lives of people experiencing disadvantage and the organisations that support them.
ATCANZ Branches can join TechSoup at no cost using our ATCANZ Charities Registration Number which can be obtained from the General Secretary on request.
Posted 28 April 2022 1731
Our Rules require Branches to provide the Management Committee with regular updates of Membership and Officer details. You can find all the Membership requirements here. You can find out about the Officer contact requirements here.
Updated 17 April 2023 0700